Part 24: Act One Chapter Twenty-One - Orcs (For other uses, see Orc (disambiguation))

Orc (/ɔɹk/) is a word used to refer to various races of tough and warlike humanoid creatures in various fantasy settings, appearing originally in the

They are variously portrayed as physically stronger or weaker than humans, but always high in numbers. They often ride boars, wolves and wargs. In ma

The modern use of the English word "orc" to denote a race of evil, humanoid creatures begins with J. R. R. Tolkien. Tolkien's earliest elvish diction

Tolkien sometimes, particularly in The Hobbit, used the word "goblin" instead of "orc" to describe the same type of creature, with the smaller cave-

Later in his life he expressed an intention to change the spelling of "orc" to "ork" in The Silmarillion[3] but the only place where that spelling s

The word *orcné (attested in the plural orcnéas) is a hapax legomenon in the poem Beowulf. It is generally supposed to contain an element -né, cogna

This etymology is plausible, but remains conjectural. The word orc appears in two other locations in Beowulf, but in both cases refers to cups of pr

Old English þyrs, given as a gloss for Latin orcus, is cognate to Old Norse þurs "giant, ogre" (both from Common Germanic *thurisaz, in Norse mytholo

Whether 'orke', 'ogre', 'huerco' or 'orco', the word ultimately comes from Latin Orcus, the name of the Roman god of Death, a demonic/grim reaper-es

Within Tolkien's invented languages, the Elvish words for "orc" are derived from a root ruk referring to fear and horror, from which is derived an ex

In Tolkien's writing, Orcs are of human shape, but smaller than Men, ugly, filthy, with a taste for manflesh. In a private letter, Tolkien describes
Subject #1
Name: Fallow of Waterdeep
Male subject, white hair, hook nose, balding. Captured along the High Road. Withstood torture for three days before dying.
Analysis: Resorted to physical torture too quickly. His mind was weak and would have been susceptible to mental torture.
Subject #2
Name: Kyleana of Waterdeep
Elven female, brown hair, overweight for an elf, physically weak. Captured near Helm's Hold. Mind snapped after four days of torture. Committed suicide.
Analysis: We could have turned her. Next time, the subject will be placed in an empty room to avoid another such incident.
Subject #3
Name: Unknown
Human female, elderly, with a sharp tongue. Killed during first session.
Analysis: I must learn to control my temper.
Subject #4
Name: Issani of Waterdeep
Human male, middle-aged, in good health. Surprisingly strong mind. Has withstood mental torture for a week now. I shall need to resort to physical torture to break him, and he will break. This one is quite a challenge.
Note to self: BG is growing impatient with my lack of progress. If I can break Issani, it will go a long way toward regaining BG's favour.

Orcs are used as soldiers by both the greater and lesser villains of The Lord of the Rings - Sauron and Saruman. Orcs eat all manner of flesh, includ

Orc origins are first described in The Tale of Tinúviel as "foul broodlings of Melko (Melkor) [sic] who fared abroad doing his evil work". In The Fa

Since the publication of Tolkien's epic novel, The Lord of the Rings, creatures called "orcs" have become a fixture of fantasy fiction and role-play

An alternative theory is that they were often depicted as pig-like due to the tusked and pig-like description of the orco (ogre) in Canto 17 of Arios

In the 1980s another orc archetype was introduced by the table-top miniature war games Warhammer Fantasy Battle; a heavily-muscled, green-skinned bar

Games Workshop's Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 games feature Orcs as well (spelled Orks in Warhammer 40,000). The latter setting is unique f

In the Warcraft computer game series Orcs are depicted as more ethically and socially complex than in most renditions. The great Orcish race is a sav

In the fantasy role-playing games Earthdawn and Shadowrun, orks are, in contrast to the common fantasy Orc, neither inherently good nor evil. In Eart

In the CCG Magic: The Gathering, Orcs are portrayed as generally cowardly warriors who relied extensively on the smaller, less intelligent Goblins wh

In the Might and Magic franchise, in the Kreegan universe, orcs are variously portrayed as orange, green, or brown. In Heroes of Might and Magic, the

The orc was one of the earliest creatures introduced in the D&D game. The D&D orc is largely based upon the orcs appearing in the works of J.R.R. Tol

The gray orc is presented as a player character race for the Forgotten Realms setting in both Races of Faerûn (2003),[18] and Unapproachable East (20

The aquatic orc, the arctic orc, the desert orc, the jungle orc, the orc paragon, and the water orc were all introduced in Unearthed Arcana (2004).[1

Orcs are disfigured humanoid carnivores, standing approximately 5'11 to 6'2, weighing from 180 to 280 lbs. They are easily noticeable due to their gr

Bestial and savage, orcs band together as trıbes, living on hunting and raiding. Believing that the only way to survive is by expanding their territo

Orcs like scars and take pride in exposing them, whether they are of a victory or loss. Their chief deity Gruumsh claims that the orc is the top of t

Orcs speak Orcish, a language derived from older human and elvish languages. There is no common standard of Orcish, so the language has many dialects

Earlier versions of Dungeons & Dragons depicted orcs slightly differently. They were Lawful Evil, and were sometimes described as having porcine snou

In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, orcs are divided into the orcs of the north (Mountain Orcs) and the orcs of the east (Gray Orcs). The gray

In the north, orcs are known for overbreeding and then spilling out in hordes upon the nations thereabouts, including the Silver Marches, Icewind Dal

Following the precedents set in the earliest Dungeons & Dragons materials, a great many d20 System publishers have retained Orcs in their own works.

The orc was ranked first among the ten best low-level monsters by the authors of Dungeons & Dragons For Dummies. They describe the orc as "The iconic man-beast savage... simply the classic adversary for a low-level hero."